Contact Us
You can contact our team at any time using the email address provided. We endeavour to respond to your email within 24 hours.
0333 3055 774
Our telephone lines are open between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday (with an hour closed for lunch between 1pm and 2pm).
General Post
Medi2data, The Maltings,
East Tyndall Street,
Cardiff, CF24 5EA
Our Offices

The Maltings
East Tyndall Street
Cardiff, CF24 5EA

Stanmore Business and Innovation Centre
Howard Road,
Stanmore, HA7 1BT

Cape Town
Workshop 17
146 Campground Road
Cape Town, 7780
It can vary, as we manage a wide variety of report types.
We work on a pre-payment basis, if your required report requires a payment we will require all payments to be settled before we can continue. Once we’ve received payment (which can take 3-5 working days depending on your bank), we then aim to complete your request within 28 working days. This includes the following stages: getting your report triaged, processed, reviewed and signed off by a Clinician, and completed.
We have developed a Medical Evidence Tracker to provide third-party clients with a real time update on their report. If you require an update on your report progress, you can do so by inputting your name, case reference number, and date of birth via our MET portal. If you require your reference number, please reach out to our team either via email (, or by calling our phone line at 0333 3055 774.
Due to restraints within Primary Care, your GP practice is outsourcing the administrative side of medical reporting to Medi2data. This is so they can free up additional resource for patient care.
As your GP practice is the Data Controller of the medical data, you will need to request this from them directly. To find out more about how we process your data, please view our Privacy & Cookie Policy.
We also provide a patient service platform called Medi2cert. Here patients can request forms or certificates to us directly, such as Firearms/Shotgun Medical Certificates. For additional information on this service, please visit