Latest News
Key partnership forged between Medi2data and Patients Association in patient-centric digital R&D project
Medi2data is collaborating with the Patients Association on a new product development project.
Tackling the human cost of delayed medical reports – prompting the BMA, ICO and ABI to push for digital medical reporting
With GP practices stretched to breaking point, completing medical reports can slip to the bottom of the priority pile, leaving patients waiting weeks or months for reports.
Haughton Thornley Medical Practices free up 18 hours a week with eMR+
Haughton Thornley Medical Practices free up 18 hours a week with Medi2data’s outsourced medical reporting service eMR+
Making the right choices in a digital world
What I’ve learned over four decades in healthcare IT – 7 tips for successful digital implementation.
Medi2data expands its senior team with a technical project manager appointment
Medi2data has bolstered its senior team with the appointment of Emma Gale, who brings over 15 years of professional health informatics experience to the team.
Creating digital medical reports just got easier with eMR’s new features release
New auto-populated medical reporting templates available – making processing of medical report instructions received by post or email simple and fast.